Carly Thomson has always been a writer. Born on the Central Coast of Australia, in 1982, she grew up in a wonderful home with parents who loved and encouraged her potential and dreams. They immersed her in books and stories and creative play. Still, a wonderful home life doesn't mean perfect and there is an enemy who roams around like a roaring lion seeking to kill, steal, and destroy the dreams and futures of God’s daughters.
At a young age, Carly experienced abuse and began a journey of poor choices and destruction that would lead her closer to the very breath of death. In her last attempt of hope, she cried out to “El Roi”; the God who sees me. At just the right moment, God entered into her life like a knight in shining armor and rescued her. He graciously and lovingly helped her to overcome many battles that sought to rip her off from all that God had intended for her.
She has personally journeyed through and found freedom from low self-esteem, unhealthy thoughts, abuse, depression, and an eating disorder. After winning these personal battles, Carly has journeyed on passionately to fight for other girls to discover their worth in Jesus.
Carly has been working with tween-aged girls for the last 16 years. She loves to challenge their mindsets and broaden their knowledge of the Word of God. Her passion is to teach and coach girls about discovering their worth in living life with Jesus. Whether you are six or sixty, Carly's strategies not only help girls develop a Christ-centered identity but also equip these girls to live their best lives with their eyes wide open to the needs of others and the wonder of God.
At the age of 26, Carly married her best friend and love of her life and began her much-awaited dream of primary school teaching. She loves the imagination and has been known to transform an entire classroom into an interactive scene that depicts the very topic of study, simply to immerse the students in the learning experience.
Carly has completed a Bachelor of Primary School Teaching/ Bachelor of Arts (Special Education) at the University of Newcastle, a diploma in Professional Children’s Writing at the Australian College and is continuing to work towards completing her Masters in Christian Studies at Alphacrucis College.
She has authored the TRUTH SEEKERS SERIES. This is a series of three faith, short adventure novels for pre-teen girls. Carly has also authored a picture book called PIRATE DAD and has just recently released her fourth short novel called The Freedom Sound. This historical re-tell of the woman at the well is entwined with the story of a modern-day teen and their journey to be accepted and loved by Jesus right in the middle of their mess.
Carly has had the privilege of co-laboring with MICI to produce a Christian girls magazine called MICI Girls Magazine.
With a heart to collaborate with like-hearted people, Carly become an advocate for the Choose Real Campaign, helping girls to be free from the pressures of perfection brought on by social media.
This desire to collaborate with like-hearted people around the gospel message has also led Carly to write for a variety of online blogs, devotionals, social media sites, and magazines including Home Front Magazine for families, the Ascend Women's Devotional, ACCTV, Iola Magazine, GIGI Mums, Joseph Prince Ministries, Enliven Women and Bespoke2 to name a few.
Right now, Carly is the mother of three gorgeous little boys and often finds herself caught up in imaginative play around castles, cars, lego, dinosaurs, and pirates! She is currently working with pre-teen girls as a primary school teacher and author and speaks to tween girls all over the world about knowing God, discovering their worth and identity in Christ and living a life of love.
Carly is the Founding Director of PURE HEART MINISTRIES. A creative space where women who mentor or lead girls or women can gather together to be inspired, empowered and equipped in teaching others to know their value and identity as daughters of God. Carly is also the Founding Director of She Collective which aims to release the potential within every girl through inspiring, coaching and empowering them through a variety of practical, online and personal growth opportunities.