Here you will find a safe and grace-filled space to learn and grow together as we embark on this crazy, fun, life-giving, wild faith adventure with Jesus.

The blogs are divided into various subject categories:

LIFE GIVING: What gives life to our SOUL? Potter around here for some sweet stories and practical advice that will bring life to your SOUL.

WILD FAITH: How do we wholeheartedly follow Jesus? Wild faith is all about helping us to live fully alive, awake and aware right where we are, so we can truly follow Jesus into all He has for us personally, in our families and in our careers.

GROW TOGETHER: How can I grow closer to Jesus when life is SO busy? Here you will learn how to create space in the midst of crazy-busy, for spiritual growth and spiritual practices that center our lives on Jesus for the everyday ordinary girl.

PARENT HUB: How do I help my TWEEN navigate their faith journey? Here you will find devotionals, resources and more to help TWEENS grow in their identity and WILD FAITH adventure with Jesus.

CREATIVE HUB FOR TWEENS: How do you hear God's voice? How do you keep a prayer journal? What does a faith walk look like? Is God's grace big enough for me? These questions and so many more are so common for girls just like you who are figuring out their faith and identity in Christ. Come and hang out in our Creative Hub for Tweens and discover, ask questions and grow in your faith journey with us.

TEACHER HUB: How do I help the TWEEN GIRLS in my world navigate their faith journey? Being a Christian Educator means you are on the frontline when it comes to helping TWEENS develop a Christ-centered identity. Here you will find devotionals, resources that I have created and used as a teacher, and more to help TWEENS grow in their identity and WILD FAITH adventure with Jesus.