WILD FAITH » freedownload
Wild Faith: Free Devotional
Hello lovely one!
Have you ever had an urge to step out in faith… a little nudging from within? Maybe you have an inkling tickling the walls of your heart, a big dream swirling around within, or a prompting to do something… to live out something that is a little bit out of your comfort zone? Things, of course, keep gently whispering the same message to you over and over and over again… and you want to be obedient, you want to follow but you’re just not sure because it doesn’t make sense or it feels way, way too scary?
I have…
I have ignored it out of fear…
I have run the other way…
And I have followed in faith…
I have taken the leap…
Been brave, even though I felt afraid….
Even right now I’m about to embark on a Wild Faith journey of sorts. I don’t know what the outcome will be; it’s full of sacrifice not just from me but also from my whole family. There IS a cost, but somehow I have learnt that taking this leap of Wild Faith always, always leads me deeper into the arms and presence of God Almighty. With every leap I take, I’m getting to know and to trust in God even with the waring feelings of fear, rampaging anxiety and the possibility of complete and utter failure in a worldly sense. Why? Because He is with me, He created me, He knows me better than I know myself and He can see what I cannot… and right here, right now, I know that where He leads can only be out of His great love…
I can leap because the arms of love encircle me…
But how do we live this Wild Faith adventure and keep our hearts pure in pursuit of Him and His purposes for our lives? How can we KNOW it’s Him calling us into deeper places? How can we KNOW that it’s not our own fleshly longings but His voice whispering into over very being?
Well, it’s a journey… one of time and trust… of faith, of hope and of love…
AND all that is required of you to begin this journey is a yes….
A simple yes Lord.
It is a yes much like that of the beautiful, young Mary. She whispered a bold yes to the angel before she could even truly understand the weight of what God was asking of her (see Luke 1:26-28). It was a humble, “yes Lord, I am your servant before all else,” heart response.
Is that where you are at today sweet soul? Your heart wants to say YES but there is something holding you back from truly entering in? Can I challenge you to take this first leap of Wild Faith with me? Let us hold hands and count to 10, then let’s jump off that old wharf together and plunge deep into the encircling presence of the One who calls us forth on this adventure.
So if you are ready to take that leap into the depths of living this Wild Faith adventure, if you are ready for your roots to go down deeper as you trust in Him and for your wings to soar higher than ever before as you lean into His leading, then commit to this journaling journey with a “yes Lord.”
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten… Yes Lord…
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Big love,