LIFE GIVING » easter
Family, Faith and making the most of Easter
The other day I had my teacher hat on, a beautiful year two class was my given assignment and the topic talk over our morning tea break was, 'Easter and what it means to me,' AND of course, being with a class of seven year olds, the hot topic was chocolate eggs and how many, what colour, what style, how big and more! That is to be expected right? Who doesn't love an Easter egg hunt and chocolate for days?!One little boy stood up and in a big brave voice he shared how that for him, it wasn't so much the Easter eggs that gave Easter meaning - though love them he did - and he was grateful that Jesus died on the cross and rose to life again for him and that was a big part of what Easter meant for him too, but more so, he LOVED that at Easter he was able to spend time at home with his family...
So simple and so profound...
He LOVED the opportunity to simply BE WITH those he longed to be present with. It wasn't going anywhere or doing anything big or special... it was to just BE WITH them...
And there it is...
And isn't that what the death and resurrection is all about, being able to BE WITH the One who loves us more than anything else? To spend time with Him, not always DOING but BEING with Him.
Mary got that right as she sat at the feet of Jesus. She saw an opportunity to sit at His feet and simply BE WITH Him and in the sitting and BEING, she would have been learning deep truths and simple pleasures and getting to know Him. Not just know of Him.. but to closely and intimately know Him, His character... the truth that His presence is a refuge and strong tower, that being with Him was the greatest gift, the ultimate prize...This simple year two topic talk question slowed me down and caused me to ask it of myself...
My heart response?
Easter, to me, means that great love has been poured out and has given me the greatest gift... His forever presence... simply because He LOVES to BE WITH me...AND His love...
It's not just for me to keep to myself, but it's to be shared out of the overflow of love He has poured into my life as I've sat at His feet and allowed His deep truths and love to be life and breath for me...
AND the eggs...
I do love those little chocolate eggs and having one with a cup of tea and Jesus.
So the year two topic talk question falls to you now, tell me sweet soul, about Easter and what it means to you...xx PS Don't forget to sign up for my news letter and receive the first module of the Wild Faith Devotional for FREE xx