Creative Hub for TWEENS » friends friendship wildfaith
How to create amazing, authentic friendships
Sometimes the whisper of that word can cause us great delight or great pain. Friends are awesome when things are going great, but sometimes fights happen, words are spoken and hearts get hurt. Sometimes even making friends can be hard. Don’t give up though. Don’t close your hearts off to friendships.
“Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul,” – Proverbs 27:9 (MSG)
God created us to do life together. Our friends will be the ones who walk out a lot of life with us. A good friend can refresh your soul and help set your path straight. They dry our tears; they make us laugh AND they can tell when we are moody and love us anyway.
A good friend is much like our best friend Jesus, always there…
They tell us when we need to stop our silliness and make better choices. They show us grace and love when we perhaps we don’t deserve it. They are there to listen and keep hold of our secrets. They champion us when times are hard, they believe in the dreams in our hearts no matter how wild and crazy they can be - and they point us to God when we most need His presence.
A good friend prays with you and for you, a good friend encourages you to search the scriptures for answers and they hold you accountable to the convictions of your heart. They pack you extra samples of their double choc chip cookies, just ‘cause they know you love them. They stand up for you when peer pressure rages and they remind you that you are a daughter of God, a royal princess born for such a time as this.
Do you have a friend like this?
Don’t be discouraged if you don’t just yet…
A good friendship takes time. It means sticking it out when times get tough. Pressing in when they are hurting, taking the time to invite them over to hang out, and it also means being the kind of friend you’d like to have.
If you are struggling with friendships, pray. Ask God to bring you some spirit sisters who will know you well. Spend time with God learning how to be a good friend and listen for the heart promptings of God that lead you to invite friendships into your life.
4 tips to build forever friends…
- Ask God for friends.
- Invite friendships into your life.
- Spend time getting to know them.
- Be the friend you want to have.
It’s my prayer that you will find some forever friends and most importantly - that you’d make Jesus your very best friend.